The California Ecological Restoration Business Association
The California Ecological Restoration Business Association
CalERBA represents a growing sector of state businesses that specialize in delivery of high impact environmental outcomes. Our members provide stream, wetland, critical habitat, flooding resiliency, and water infrastructure solutions in response to a broad range of public environmental goals. We share a common interest in accelerating delivery of ecological restoration, advancing the story and potential of our industry, and promoting investment in the ecological restoration sector for the benefit of the public, permittees, and the environment in California. We are proud to operate in a state with a renowned commitment to and history of strong environmental stewardship and values.
We hope that your business will join our voice and become a part of the important advocacy and education missions of CalERBA. Learn more about membership opportunities below.
CalERBA is a tax exempt 501(c)(6) organization.
- “Cutting the Green Tape” - Coordinate with agency and stakeholder partners to improve the environmental review and permitting processes for projects with an environmental purpose and benefit.
- Lobby for greater efficiencies and best practices in current agency approval processes for wetland, stream, and species mitigation projects.
- Promote better procurement for mitigation and restoration, including advance mitigation policies and pay for performance contracting.
- Organize industry engagement with state agencies and other program partners that share and facilitate the industry’s ecological restoration mission.
- Raise the profile of the industry within the California State Legislature and with peer advocacy and professional organizations.
CalERBA endorses the establishment of standardized training and certification program specific to the practice of ecological restoration. The number of ecological restoration projects in the pipeline is increasing, but the pool of laborers and equipment operators with the necessary skills and knowledge is not keeping pace. This shortage creates urgent need for restoration-specific training that educates on-the-ground workforce on permitting, habitat and species identification, and the nuances of working appropriately in sensitive environments. An industry tailored training program would not only support sustainable industry growth, it also presents a major jobs and economic opportunity for workers in California. CalERBA has partnered with the Ecological Workforce Initiative (EWI) to advance these priorities. Learn more about EWI here .
Members include restoration providers, consultants, mitigation bankers, contractors, engineers, attorneys, and other environmental and conservation experts. CalERBA members develop projects in counties and cities all across California, and support the restoration of hundreds of thousands of acres and miles of wetlands, streams, and critical habitats. Member firms indirectly support and work with a number of companies outside of CalERBA including construction companies, landscape firms, surveyors, and scientists.
Our annual dues are tiered to reflect the diverse membership and varying levels of involvement in the industry. Member categories are generally divided into practitioners (third-party mitigation or restoration sponsors) and advocates (consultants, engineers, contractors, environmental lawyers, and others). Contact us today to find out more about membership rates and benefits.
CalERBA is a tax-exempt 501(c)6 organization.
Copyright © 2022 California Ecological Restoration Business Association - All Rights Reserved.